P90X the Fevola Way

This is a nice 'friendly' challenge amongst family.

In the end we'll leave it up to you, our family and friends, to pick a winner.

This should be fun, so sit back and enjoy the mayhem.

Monday, August 30, 2010


I declare Victory just like this NY Yankee after last year's World Series Victory. This would be Brett Gardner for all those that didn't know.
For the last and final post....

Sunday, August 29, 2010

With Dignity and Grace.....

Unlike the 'other' participant of this challenge....

Falling on my sword he says....heavens, that seems a bit extreme huh??

I will however concede that I have not lived up to the rules of this challenge.  I totally went a whole week without P90X and failed on my blogging requirements of this challenge.  I  concede victory to Tom on this challenge as he did meet all the obligations of the challenge.  As per Tom's suggestion, I will be deleting this blog soon and heading back to my home at Alices Wonderland. 

(we all know I had better results though)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Still awaiting patiently for confirmation.

I still am waiting for concession on P90X results from the rest of the particpants. Kindly fall on your swords and declare me the undisputed victor in this endeavor.

Or, you could always exercise the right of censorship and merely delete the blog. Either way works for me. :)

Fevola OUT!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Last Man Standing.

I am the only male in the household, inclusive of pets. Hell, probably even the other organisims in the house are likely female. I am the only male in this environment that can survive. It is not easy I assure you.

Irrespective of that fact, I am the last one left standing on the P90X program.

Yes, I am.

Anyone who would have doubted any differently is simply not informed.

The other two participants appear to have stopped. One ::Cough Cough Lauren:: never really got started, and the other, (you all should know who that is by now) appears stalled in P90X.

None of this P90X, the supposed "challenge", etc was my idea. However, I am the last one still doing it.

I declare victory regarding the Fevola's and P90X, and I demand that everyone else watching (all 2 of you) do the same.

I am beginning Week 8 tomorrow night, I will not stop.

Am I glad I did it, you betya.

Fevola OUT!

Friday, August 20, 2010


I am seeing changes in my body.  Not just size, but the shape of parts.  Things are going away that I want gone like mounds of back fat and the jiggly arm wings.  Of course the ass and boobs are leaving hand in hand with it all--Oh well, I guess I can't have it all go my way.

For anyone keeping track--I do indeed fit into the white capri's now and yes, I did eat the bag of Gardetto's. (I was very proud that I didn't eat them all in one sitting)  Those are still my downfall and still super addictive.  Talk about not being able to stop.

I'm still fat though.  Good greif.  My BMI says I'm a fattie.  Ok, I am a hair away from normal, but not there yet.  I'm a fattie, fattie, fattie!!

On the bright side I had to buy new underwear cause mine were way too big.  Sweet.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

It's all about perception.

50 percent
The same amount to go as has been completed thus far.

All of that applies to me today regarding P90X. I am on day 45. I have yet to miss a required day. I am feeling the love on this as far as completion. Hitting the half way mark only fuels me to make sure I finish the required program now. I'm going to put off worrying about what I do on day 91 until day 90.

Still pleased with results and Kenpo is still favorite, although the biceps workout is right on up there. Ab-Puker and Yoga still suck majorly.

Fevola OUT!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Softball weekends

It has occurred to me that on those weekends we spend time out in the sun with Lauren doing anything Softball related, I am not happy about coming home and doing P90X afterwards. I'm tired, hot, and generally not in the mood to workout. Plus, the way it falls now is that one of the weekend nights is the very boring and ass-whipping Yoga X. The only way around it is to skip one (Not gonna happen in this lifetime) or double up on a few days (equally not as likely to happen) to change the schedule around.

However, I have found when I do mentally muscle through the workout, I feel better. I work harder than usual and I like that aspect. It is progressing well and I see things getting more cut and bigger on my body, especially in my bicep/triceps area. The glamour muscles are showing up a bit. My calves and quad's are also getting back to game form.

The big question is, at day 90, do I stop or keep going? I'm decidedly non-committal at the moment, but I shall give it serious thought to continue on the program. Maybe do the diet thing? Naah, never will do that. But I can work hard to get in better shape.

Fevola OUT!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Random thoughts....

So, I walk in the livingroom the other day and Tom is doing Kenpo.  I'm immediately jealous.  I'm a day behind him so I had some other thing to do.  Kenpo is definitely the best video.  Why?? Well, you just sweat and punch and when you look up your done.  That, is cool.  You feel all stong and fit when you do it.

I broke the dog.  I took her out the other night for one of our walks and I actually had to call Tom to come get her.  Did I tell you this already??  She just couldn't make it.  So, since then I've taken her on some shorter walks.  A 4 mile and then I had to move down to 2 miles.  Apparently 2 is her limit right now and that may be pushing it a bit.  I don't know if that will increase when the weather changes or if she is just too old to keep up with me..(I thought for certain she would have broken me)  So now before or after I go on a real walk I need to walk the dog.  Usually just for 1-2 miles.  Lauren has been good and taken her for me most nights, which is the least she can do since she totally cheezed out on the p90x challenge.

I totally thought Tom was gonna be the one who fell first since he came in with such a bad attitude, but he has definitely embraced it and as he does point out he has not skipped any time in the program.

Since Buffy no longer comes along, I have to time my walks very carefully.  Not to early or I will combust into flames.  Not too late because the location of the first 3 miles of my walk would feel a lot less safe after sunset.  But if I hit just the right time and there is a small breeze, then all is well. 

After mile 3 however the sun is most definitely gone.  If Lisha is with me we usually chat our way along and time goes by pretty quickly.  If I'm on my own however and I have on the ipod, well, sometimes one of those damned runners comes up behind me and startle me.  Can I just say all this Kenpo training has about kicked in a couple times--I'm afraid I'm gonna get freaked out one night and lunge, punch, jab.  At that point the runner is either going to start pointing and laughing at me or I'm gonna need someone to come bail me out.

I'm officially NOT a Cheater.

I am beginning Week 6 of 13 tonight. I have yet to miss a night of a required activity. I have elected not to participate on 2 nights of optional stretching on rest/stretch days, choosing the rest option in both cases.

While I'm not a cheater as others in this blog self-admittedly are, I will say that the "others" do make up for some of the misses with the "EEW's" (Excessive Evening Walks). Doing several miles after one of these workouts is quite impressive, although for the record you will not catch me on one of these EEW's. Not because I can't do it, because I simply take no joy in walking around town aimlessly just to "walk". I would rather run on the treadmill and measure my mileage that way. (Incidentally, I won't be doing that either, P90X is sufficient for now)

Either way, I'm getting bigger, stronger and faster. I like the results and wish I had the discipline to do the food thing too to have even better results, but I would kill people straight up if I did both.

So, I will eat what I want, when I want, curse at Tony, do a plank, flip off the t.v., do another plank, call him an ass, then get up and do it all over again.

Kenpo is still da nutz. I really get into that one.

Fevola OUT!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Here we go again.....

I'm officially a cheater.  I couldn't make it through the full 'recovery week', so I skipped the last day of stretch and went straight to day one of the 2nd month.  I understand the purpose of recovery week--but as I've said it's intimidating to take that break.  Nervewracking.  Makes me think I'll end up backsliding waaaay back and never get back to the hard stuff again.

Oh well, we're into week one of the 2nd month and it still sucks.  Yet, it's a releif to be back to it.

On the other hand, I've spent some serious time considering my next "cheat meal"...I'm pretty sure it's gonna be pizza and beer.  I swear I haven't had pizza in almost 6 months, maybe the full 6 months.  (actually I had a stromboli in March- that's like Pizza right?)  I don't know when it will be, but I definitely think it will be pizza (and beer). 

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The 2nd tier grind.

Well, here it is, the "2nd" Training Block. 3 weeks of over and over again. I don't really call the recovery week a recovery, that damn Core Synergistics hurt like hell. Although, I am starting to get to the point where I'm doing all I think I can and then going for extra. As numbnumts Horton says...."That's where the money is!"

Anyway, down 9 lbs and feeling good. I shall continue.

I still hate ab ripper.

Fevola OUT!

Monday, August 2, 2010

30 down, 60 to go.

First month is down after my ridiculously boring Yoga X tonight.

So far, I'm impressed with the program, and the results are fair. I am sure I would see better and quicker results to my weight/size if I followed the diet recommended rather than still eat the way I want to. Bah.

2nd Month, here I come. Hope to really increase the ol' guns this month. Really need to up my weights on the arms.

Fevola OUT!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

30 day results....

Ok not exactly 30 days.  I went ahead and measured today which is probably 2-3 days before the 30 day mark.  My motivation---I have some beef and chicken fajitas which I really want to eat today not to mention some guac and queso which will be joining the seasoned meat. Also, I woke up with my neck and one of my hamstrings totally tweeked  so I don't know how much exercising will happen today.

Ok, onto the stuff your wondering about...Results, Results, Results.  (keep in mind we're only on day 30 here---60 to go). 

I did best on pounds I think.  13.4 down this month.  My total goal was 25 for this 90 day time frame and ideally I had thought I could do 10/ 10 and the last month 5.  So I'm a wee bit ahead for month 2.

Inches.  I wish I could say it was more..I took off 2 1/2 on the chest and 2 on the waist.  Almost 2 on the hips and minimal on the legs (an inch or less) and minimal in the arms as well (also an inch or less).   So, we'll finish out our recovery week and start on the next round of p90x.

No photos.  I can't seem to bring myself to posting photos yet.  I took them at the onset and will take some more later today and then at 60 and 90 to see.  I don't know if I can bring myself to posting any of them though.  Maybe if I was 20 years younger.