P90X the Fevola Way

This is a nice 'friendly' challenge amongst family.

In the end we'll leave it up to you, our family and friends, to pick a winner.

This should be fun, so sit back and enjoy the mayhem.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

30 day results....

Ok not exactly 30 days.  I went ahead and measured today which is probably 2-3 days before the 30 day mark.  My motivation---I have some beef and chicken fajitas which I really want to eat today not to mention some guac and queso which will be joining the seasoned meat. Also, I woke up with my neck and one of my hamstrings totally tweeked  so I don't know how much exercising will happen today.

Ok, onto the stuff your wondering about...Results, Results, Results.  (keep in mind we're only on day 30 here---60 to go). 

I did best on pounds I think.  13.4 down this month.  My total goal was 25 for this 90 day time frame and ideally I had thought I could do 10/ 10 and the last month 5.  So I'm a wee bit ahead for month 2.

Inches.  I wish I could say it was more..I took off 2 1/2 on the chest and 2 on the waist.  Almost 2 on the hips and minimal on the legs (an inch or less) and minimal in the arms as well (also an inch or less).   So, we'll finish out our recovery week and start on the next round of p90x.

No photos.  I can't seem to bring myself to posting photos yet.  I took them at the onset and will take some more later today and then at 60 and 90 to see.  I don't know if I can bring myself to posting any of them though.  Maybe if I was 20 years younger. 

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